@extends('public.layouts.default') @section('title') | Policies @endsection @section('content')



Our commitment to safety

How safety is built into your experience

Safety features in the app

When riding with us, passengers can share the trip details with their loved ones. The technology of track and trail sure gives everyone peace of mind.

An inclusive community

The guidelines we have set regarding our services work under the shared values of society. In good or bad, always we will try to do the right thing.

Support at every turn

Rydeus operates with a base of technical and non-technical people who are available 24/7 to reach out to our passengers’ aid. So don’t worry.

Company Info


Driver safety

Just as your loved ones are waiting for you to arrive safe and sound, the same concern we have for our drivers. Always, we ensure that the people who work for us are happy in our or their surroundings.


Rider safety

As already stated above that we leave no stone unturned to guarantee the safety of everyone, the same thing we would like to repeat to the millions or billions of people who request our service that safety is our topmost priority.

“I believe that nothing is more precious in our industry than getting our passengers safe and under the clock. So, Rydeus ensures that our vehicles can make a way even through the busiest of roads.”

Rydeus CEO

Partnering to make a difference

Rydeus has partnered with several public officials, experts and organizations with regards to the safety issue. The reason for teaming up with them is to help in making the roads a safe place for all.
